“Colectiv” (2019) | 《醫官同謀》
14.3.2022 – #Movies
Directed by Alexander Nanau
Written by Alexander Nanau, Antoaneta Opris
·事件發生在羅馬尼亞,其時任執政黨為社會民主黨(Partidul Social Democrat),政府貪腐問題嚴重,事發前三個月總理才被指控欺詐、逃稅、洗錢等而受審。
·《體育公報》記者Tolontan:「當媒體向政府屈服,政府就能賤待他的人民。這是世界慣例。」 他率先調查及揭露死傷者數目龐大的背後原由:醫療系統都被官員腐蝕到壞咗。明明沒有燒傷病房,卻訛稱以歐洲最高規格技術醫治傷者,並拒絕將他們轉送歐洲其他醫院;院方更使用被廠方稀釋過的消毒液,加上種種不當的處理手法,導致留院燒傷者受細菌感染死亡。
·人民憤怒示威,總理下台,新衛生部長Voiculescu上場,其積極改革,後來感悟:「從我上任以嚟學到嘅,就係底下嘅都腐爛哂。」 半年之後,大選來到,人民用行動重新選擇了貪腐的政黨:社民黨得票最多,有約46%。 「走啦,班友過多三十年都唔會醒。」新部長的父親對其勸說。
·紀錄片以三線描繪事件,分別是記者、大火倖存者和改革派新部長。 以為是帶來進步的鐵三角,豈料結局令人大失所望,畢竟此為紀錄片而非劇情片。現實就是如此,人民用血肉養大反噬自己的政權。變好是個漫長的步驟,變壞卻可發生於一夕之間。
·結尾,喪子的父親哭著唱: “And tell me what it is that you see A world that's filled with endless possibilities? Heroes don't look like they used to, they look like you do” (“Nothing More”/ The Alternative Routes)
P.S. Colectiv夜店大火中演奏的樂隊Goodbye to Gravity,五人中只有主音生還……而他們在Colectiv中唱的最後一首歌名為”The Way We Die”。YouTube上有他們當晚的演出片段……亦有大火的一刻。
“The Way We Die” lyrics
Let go and beg for freedom Another row jumping into the flame Loose lips are shifting leaders From here on out everyone is to blame
I'm looking up to my company A full blown artillery Keep the sights on the enemy And bust the lid off anarchy
Your condescending demeanor has all gone wrong Figured you should have known this all along
We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive Cause the day we give in is the day we die
Behold, a credo wavering A sleight of hand is the dogma they preach Beneath, a conscience’s fading To even out all your steady beliefs
Stand your ground in the battle zone Filled with life, bone and scorn Clench your fists, I'm battle prone Pull the trigger and set the tone
Pull that trigger
Fuck all your wicked corruption It's been there since our inception, but we couldn't see All the times we've felt so hollow As our hopes were hanged in gallows All this time we've been locked away And there was nothing left to say Until today
We're not numbers we're free, we're so alive And the day we give in is the day we die